
Samen des Bösen

Samen des Bösen

D: -
A: -

deutsches Kinoplakat | FSK: - | Grafik: -

{To avoid a copyright infringement, it should be explicitly stated that this is a picture quote (Bildzitat). The picture serves as a picture quote only for the purpose of illustration and documentation! - Scans of the used publication and product information from the archives of the 'CollectionTrivialitas' or from an ebay-auction}

draculas hexenjagd


Draculas Hexenjagd

D: -
A: Peter Cushing, Dennis Price, Madeleine & Mary Collinson, Isobel Black, Kathleen Byron, Damien Thomas, David Warbeck

deutsches Kinoplakat | FSK: - | Grafik: Klaus Dill

{To avoid a copyright infringement, it should be explicitly stated that this is a picture quote (Bildzitat). The picture serves as a picture quote only for the purpose of illustration and documentation! - Scans of the used publication and product information from the archives of the 'CollectionTrivialitas' or from an ebay-auction}

Der Fall Brenken


Der Fall Brenken{Überfall im Hotel (1934)}

D: Karl Lamac
A: -

Kinoplakat | FSK: - | Grafik: Erich Meerwald

{To avoid a copyright infringement, it should be explicitly stated that this is a picture quote (Bildzitat). The picture serves as a picture quote only for the purpose of illustration and documentation! - Scans of the used publication and product information from the archives of the 'CollectionTrivialitas' or from an ebay-auction}

Der große Apache


Der grosse Apache {Massai}

D: Robert Aldrich
A: Burt Lancaster, Jean Peters

deutsches Kinoplakat Wiederaufführung  | FSK: - | Grafik: -

{To avoid a copyright infringement, it should be explicitly stated that this is a picture quote (Bildzitat). The picture serves as a picture quote only for the purpose of illustration and documentation! - Scans of the used publication and product information from the archives of the 'CollectionTrivialitas' or from an ebay-auction}